Universal measuring principle for allconductive liquids. Virtuallyindependent of pressure, density,temperature and viscosity. Even liquidswith solids can be measured, e.g. oreslurry or cellulose pulps.Over 2 million Endress+Hausermagmeters installed since 1977!Sizes: DN 2 to 3000.
Universal measuring principle forliquids and gases. Multivariablesensors: simultaneous and directmeasurement of mass flow, density,temperature and viscosity.Independent of the physical fluidproperties.Sizes: DN 1 to 400 (max. 4100 t/h).
Volume flow measurement of cleanliquids, regardless of electricalconductivity with either clamp-on orinline sensor type.Ultrasonic measurement enablescost-effective and economical flowmetering anywhere in the process.Independent of pressure, temperatureand the physical fluid properties.Special devices for measuring wet ordirty gases at low pressures, e.g. biogasor land fill gas.Sizes: DN 15 to 4000.
Direct mass flow measurement of gaseswith low process pressure up to 40 bar.Measuring principle with a highoperable flow range (100:1) and anexcellent low-end sensitivity.Negligible pressure loss.Sizes: DN 15 to 1500.
Universally applicable for liquids, gasesand steam up to 420 bar and 1000 °C.Robust primary element as it iscompletely mechanical with no movingparts.The transmitter can be replaced duringoperation, e.g. for maintenance ormodernization of the measuring pointwithout interrupting the process.Sizes: DN 10 to 4000.
Universally applicable for themeasurement of liquids, gases andsteam. Extremely robust with regard toexternal vibrations, dirt, water hammerand temperature shocks.Largely independent of changes inpressure, temperature and viscosity.High long-term stability, no zero pointdrift. Efficient steam plant operationthanks to the worldwide unique wetsteam detection.Sizes: DN 15 to 300.