
Continuous level measurement and point level detection in fluids and bulk solids


Continuous non-contactTime-of-Flight measurementin fluids and bulk solids,even under extremeconditions such as changesof medium, gas formation,vapor, vacuum.Temperatures up to 450 °C;pressures up to 160 bar.


Continuous non-contactTime-of-Flight measurementin fluids and bulk solids.Independent of specificmedium properties.Temperatures up to 150 °C;pressures up to 4 bar.

Guided radar

Continuous Time-of-Flightmeasurement in fluids andbulk solids. Independent ofproduct properties such ashumidity, density, dielectricconstant etc.Reliable and safe interfacemeasurement even withemulsion layers.Temperatures up to 450 °C;pressures up to 400 bar.


Non-contact externalmeasurement. For allextreme applications (e.g.toxic or highly aggressivemedia).Any temperature, anypressure.

Vibronics for fluids

Point level switch for allfluids even in the presenceof build-up, turbulence orair bubbles. Independent ofthe electrical properties ofthe medium.Temperatures up to 280 °C;pressures up to 100 bar.

Vibronics for solids

Point level detection in allkinds of bulk solids up to amaximum grain size ofapprox. 10 mm.Calibrationfree,maintenance-free.Temperatures up to 280 °C;pressures up to 25 bar.


Level optimized pressuresensor cell for measurementin fluids, pastes and sludges.Independent of foamformation and changingproduct properties.Temperatures up to 400 °C;pressures up to 40 bar.

Differential pressure

Level measurement inclosed, pressurized vessels.Not affected by dielectricconstant, foam, turbulencesor obstacles.Temperatures up to 400 °C;pressures up to 420 bar.


Point level detection andcontinuous levelmeasurement in fluids andbulk solids. Even withaggressive media and heavybuild-up; condensate-proof.Temperatures up to 400 °C;pressures up to 100 bar.


Easy, cost-effective levellimit detection in conductivefluids such as water,wastewater, liquidfoodstuffs etc.Temperatures up to 100 °C;pressures up to 10 bar.

Paddle switch

Low-cost point level switchfor bulk solids of all kinds upto a grain size of 50 mm,solid weight > 100 g/l.Temperatures up to 80 °C;pressures up to 0.8 bar.

Electromechanical level system

Robust, mechanical systemfor measurement in bulksolids for applications inhigh vessels (up to 70 m).Unaffected by heavy dustformation.Temperatures up to 230 °C;pressures up to 3 bar.